
A time, times and half a time... By JaMes JoYcE

STEPHEN: Here's another for you. (HE FROWNS) The reason is because the fundamental and the dominant are separated by the greatest possible interval which ...  THE CAP: Which? Finish. You can't.  STEPHEN: (WITH AN EFFORT) Interval which. Is the greatest possible ellipse. Consistent with. The ultimate return. The octave. Which.  THE CAP: Which?  (OUTSIDE THE GRAMOPHONE BEGINS TO BLARE The Holy City.)  STEPHEN: (ABRUPTLY) What went forth to the ends of the world to traverse not itself, God, the sun, Shakespeare, a commercial traveller, having itself traversed in reality itself becomes that self. Wait a moment. Wait a second. Damn that fellow's noise in the street. Self which it itself was ineluctably preconditioned to become. ECCO!

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