
Wild Mushroom Gills

Wild Mushroom Gills
Originally uploaded by scilit

Dancing tulips

Dancing tulips
Originally uploaded by kmkuehler
Keukenhof is the essence of Holland in the springtime. It's a must see,.. everyone owes it to themselves to make the pilgrimage to see what colors are possible in the natural world.


enter at your own risk

enter at your own risk
Originally uploaded by strangemagee
what a beautiful way to lure some lunch from the swampy forest....once a unsuspecting insect goes inside to look for pollen,which is not there, or try and get a drink, it usally never comes out again...instead it slowly gets digested and feed this carnivorous beauty..........
what a way to go.....

Uploaded by strangemagee on 17 Jan 07, 10.14AM COT.

Compose your blog entry

1000 star hotel

1000 star hotel
Originally uploaded by Antti-Jussi Liikala
Not very expensive spend a night. Just a little bit camping spirit and thats it. Quality is 200 times better than in Hiltons and other 5 star places :)

Flowing Abstract Acrylic Painting

A image of one of my paintings completely dry in acrylic paint.
Visit my website at www.markchadwick.co.uk to see more of my work! Thanks for viewing!


From Candles To Stars

From Candles To Stars
Originally uploaded by Artūrs Š
From Candles To Stars

Again one of the shots taken on blind just putting camera in my hand somehow to take a shot.

Fall in Nara

Fall in Nara
Originally uploaded by Daniel Schwabe

to KNOW by Browning

to KNOW,
Rather consists in opening out a way
Whence the imprisoned splendour may escape,10
Than in effecting entry for a light
Supposed to be without.


Originally uploaded by Krieger Conradt
Mexican Longed-Nose Bat. These little guys are nectar feeders...hence the long tounge.

Please do not use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © All rights reserved

Uploaded by Krieger Conradt

Ban Sabai riverside bungalow

Ban Sabai riverside bungalow
Originally uploaded by B℮n
Vang Vieng is a town in Laos, located in Vientiane Province. The population is around 25,000. The market is located five kilometers north of the town selling Lao textiles, household items and several stalls selling dubious foodstuffs. It is possible for stalls to sell bats, squirrels, monkeys, rats, mice and other animals as food. The real attractions of the area of Vang Vieng are the sceneries, steer limestone cliffs, rice paddies, cascading rivers and the numerous caves and caverns.

This photo was taken on the rooftop of a hotel next to our Ban Sabai bungalows. The building with the thatched roof is the Xayoh Riverside Café. A place where we spend our all our breakfasts. Such a lovely way to start the day. A beautiful view of the mist covered limestone mountains and watch laughing children play in the river.

Vang Vieng is een plaats met ruim 25.000 inwoners in de provincie Vientiane, 160 km ten noorden van de stad Vientiane. Het ligt aan een bocht op de oostbank van de rivier Nam Song, die uitmondt in de Lik. Het is een dorp waar de tijd had stil gestaan maar langzamerhand door meer toeristen ontdekt. Belangrijke bezienswaardigheid zijn de vele grotten in de karstheuvels van de westbank. Ook zijn er in de omgeving van Vang Vieng enkele 16e en 17e eeuwse tempels. In het district wonen Hmong stammen. Vang Vieng ligt aan de belangrijke route tussen Vientiane en Luang Prabang.

Uploaded by B℮n on 13 Nov 08, 6.10AM COT.

The cube

The cube
Originally uploaded by Carlo Peluso

Umbrella for sun or rain

Umbrella for sun or rain
Originally uploaded by B℮n
Umbrella for sun or rain

Xieng Khuan is a Buddha park located 25 km southeast from Vientiane, Laos in a meadow by the Mekong River. It may be referred to as Wat Xieng Khuan The name Xieng Khuan means Spirit City. The park was built by Luang Pu (Venerable Grandfather) Bunleua Sulilat. Luang Pu Bunleua Sulilat was a priest-shaman who integrated Hinduism and Buddhism. At the top, there is a vantage point where the entire park is visible. An enormous 40 m high reclining Buddha, is also a park attraction. The reclining posture may represent the Buddha resting or sleeping, but more usually represents the mahāparinabbāna: the Buddha's final state of enlightenment before his death.

Their lifestyle is shaped so as to support their spiritual practice, to live a simple and meditative life. Photo taken at Buddha Park, also known as Wat Xieng Khuan 25 km southeast from Vientiane. Buddhist monks passing the enormous reclining Buddha; the Buddha's final state of enlightenment.

Een groot deel van de Laostiaase bevolking, zo’n 60% is boeddhist. Men hangt het zogenaamde Teravada-boeddhisme. In het Theravada wordt meditatie benadrukt als een essentieel onderdeel van het pad naar verlichting, samen met moreel gedrag en wijsheid. Het brengen van een einde aan het lijden is het hoofddoel van het Theravada boeddhisme. De Boeddha legde verder een zeer gedetailleerde gedragscode voor de Monniken neer: de Vinaya. Over het algemeen worden monniken door de Boeddha aangemoedigd om wereldse aangelegenheden en passies achter zich te laten, zodat zij gemakkelijker in staat zijn een staat van vrede en wijsheid te bereiken, en sterke ongezonde emoties zoals haat, verlangen en lust te overwinnen. Een Monnik zoals hierboven in z'n oranje gewaad, kaalgeschoren en met sandalen aan de voeten is niet meer weg te denken uit het straatbeeld van Laos.
Er wordt van iedere jongeman verwacht, dat zij een poosje (van een week tot enkele maanden) als monnik leven. Zo tussen hun schooltijd en hun werkende leven in. Het wordt beschouwd als een overgangsrite en zij verwerven op die wijze aanzien voor zichzelf en hun familie.

Undescribed Bird orchid

Undescribed Bird orchid
Originally uploaded by ~Squil~

Colors in water

Colors in water
Originally uploaded by Carlo Peluso
Vibración eterna
formas del silencio
lenguajes mágicos
disolución del tiempo


Originally uploaded by Carlo Peluso

La virgen

La virgen
Originally uploaded by glassysound
i just wrote a poem, which photolink is below
i send to you a nice instant in low
i captured it in the obscure lens of death
for ever image of Eva holding her son´s breath
for ever dreams of our conscious sleeping self

the eternal virgen

She crys,
She talks in secret
She stands alone
along the marble of the graves
she hears in the silence the murmuring dreams
of person for long time gone
Grey and white the virgen for ever cry
in an instant the lady dreams she is dead
she is eternal and the dead person she is
A book that for ever reads and writes
and are the letters of time, the letter of dreams
the silent letter of times , the murmuring letter of a sunrise
towering and divergencing beams
standing leaves
up and down
electric waves
glassy sounds are its blades
and up and down vibrates
upon eternity town she waits

A realm of colors through these feathers

Isn't nature so wondeful, so many colors that nature provides that appears in beautiful contrast. A macro shot of a peacock feather captured at my home

Thaadi Arangu

Thaadi Arangu
Originally uploaded by saternal
Kathakali ( കഥകളി) is a highly stylised classical Indian dance-drama noted for its attractive make-up of characters, their elaborate costumes, detailed gestures and well-defined body movements presented in tune with the anchor playback music and complementary percussion. It originated in the country's southern state of Kerala during the 16th century AD, approximately between 1555 and 1605, and has been updated over the years with improved looks, refined gestures and added themes besides more ornate singing and precise drumming.
View On Black

Someday all the paths we walk will be erased in the tides of time

Algùn día todos los granos de arena y pasos
serán olvidados en la marea del tiempo


Art of rifraction

Art of rifraction
Originally uploaded by Carlo Peluso


Originally uploaded by Glatze mit Kamera


Originally uploaded by Carlo Peluso

Light and thoughts

Light and thoughts
Originally uploaded by Carlo Peluso