
Ens-ynapsis: Union-ser

Ens \Ens\, noun. [Latin expression, ens, entis, thing. .] 1.Something supposed to condense within itself all the virtues and qualities of a substance from which it is extracted; essence 2. Entity, being, or existence; an actually existing being; also, God, as the Being of Beings.

Synonyms within Context: ENS

ContextSynonyms within Context (source: adapted from Roget's Thesaurus).


God, Lord, Jehovah, Jahweh, Allah; The Almighty, The Supreme Being, The First Cause, the Prime Mover; Ens Entium; Author of all things, Creator of all things; Author of our being; Cosmoplast; El; The Infinite, The Eternal; The All-powerful, The All-wise, The All-merciful, The All-holy.


Phrase: ens rationis; ergo sum cogito: "thinkest thou existence doth depend on time?".

Noun: existence, being,Noun: existence, being, entity, ens, esse, subsistence.


Phrase: non ens.


Phrase: ens rationis; frons est animi janua; locos y ninos dicen la verdad; mens sola loco non exulat; " my mind is my kingdom "; " stern men with empires in their brains "; " the mind, the music breathing from her face "; " thou living ray of intellectual Fire ".


"junction between two nerve cells," 1899, from Gk. synapsis "conjunction," from synaptein "to clasp," from syn- "together" + haptein "to fasten." Related to apse.Introduced by Eng. physiologist Sir Michael Foster (1836-1907) at the suggestion of Eng. classical scholar Arthur Woollgar Verral (1851-1912).

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