Your old masters said;
The whole universe, infinite, vibrate within you;
The hundred school of thought,
The methods of government, war, and diplomacy;
the School of Law.
Taoism; seeking experimenting with the self and adapting it to the rhythm of nature.
Confucian and Taoist shifting with the music of nature.
Mohism and the idea of universal love
The Burning of the books and burial of the scholars by the first emperador
The suppression of freedom of speech (to be invented later prints) .
The infinite wall
The Wu Xing or the Five Movements;
Wood, fire, earth, metal, water; all are made of yin and yang in precise amounts.
That secret pentagon that time and his cycles have drawn
The structure of the cosmos; Mirrored in five phases:
Can you see the magic Flower?
There is a delicate Balance in the intricate movement of fire.
Oracle bones
Sun Tzu's and his Art of War,
The Chinese characters
I Chin and his cryptic hexagram, with a symbolic system used to perceive order in chaotic events,
The mythical Fu xi and the yellow river,
The feng shuim, the magic compass and the harmonic course of life-energy
The early instrument;
The Chinese astronomy and astrology,
The traditional Chinise medicine and music,
Military strategy and martial arts.
The magnetic river going through nature and mind
The powerful wizard from Magreb that in the book of one hundred and one night, arrive to China because he knows that there he can find the only one able to exhume the magic lamp, Aladin, and see the smoke become a genius as tall as the sky,
The world is made of correspondences, feels the wizard,
It is full of magical mirror where the small things are the key of the biggest.
In the Chinese calendar;
The sun is like fire
the moon like water.
The fire gives out light and the water reflects it
The armillary sphere and the music that sacred energy strike.
Laozi; author of the (Tao Te Ching)
The fire, the swords, the Dragons and Tigers.
The forgotten memory.
The secret mind.
All those things and thought had to be,
They had to be propitious to carry, in the course of time, your soul
Can you polish your mysterious mirror?
Let´s hear the echoes of your old master.
I ching- thought- in the dynamic balance of opposites;
The evolution of events as a process, and acceptance of the inevitability of change
Chuang-Tzu dreamed he was a butterfly and when He woke up he didn't know if he was Zhuangzi who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming he was Zhuangzi.
Laozi -said- The name that can be named is not the real Name;
Free from desire, you experience reality; Trapped in desire, you see only appearances.
Fu Hsuan, thought, Riches and honour are the handmaids of disaster
Takakusu, wrote, stop talking, stop thinking, and there is nothing you will not understand, pursue the light, and you will lose its source.
All are singing as moving music
They are dancing in the play of light and shadows, time and eternity
Heavy is the foundation of light.
Stillness is the source of movement. That is tao
They are talking, You can know the whole world without going out the door,
They are saying in secret tone;
Come into life, go into death.
Before you was born out of your mother, generations, thoughts, and an infinite civilization guided you,
Now you are visible,
in your place you stand with your robust soul.
and through your body, flows the universe.
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