
The fabric of life, Kogui Poem

I shall weave the fabric of my life
I shall weave it white as a cloud
I shall weave some black into it
I shall weave dark maize stalks into it
I shall weave maize stalks into the white cloth
Thus I shall obey divine law

1 comentario:

  1. You are invited to help to form what we continue to become:


    gypsy hand

    Too brite days
    midnights that refuse to
    abide dark and secret
    as empty phrases chant
    to fairytale Moons
    I tell myself
    This is no ordinary room
    This is no fleeting flittering life
    This is a magical passageway
    sparkling like mica, like miracles

    Quiet traces
    luminous impression
    a trailing kite tail binds
    silent whimpers, sojourning whispers,
    tears shining behind mime smiles

    Crone's gnarled fingers, playing
    to spite agony
    simulate touch
    beyond ache
    Too brite cell,
    crouched scarred shadow
    I cast silhouette of metamagic gypsy

    Laurie Corzett - libramoon42@mindspring.com

